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MY belief

Passion, Authenticity, Success and  Structure 

Change starts with knowing yourself. Knowing what your strengths are, knowing what is important to you and knowing what obstacles you face to being able to do things DifferenD. To help you finding answers to these questions, I like working with PASS.

PASS consists of four building blocks. Connecting these four building blocks creates space for real changes.

Find your Passion

Passion and enthusiasm help to generates energy ‘to go the extra mile’. Without passion it is often difficult to become successful. It does not matter whether it concerns relationships, sports, work, or a hobby. Passion is an important building block for being able and daring to do things differently. The question you are passionate about gives insight and helps you find answers to questions you may have.

Being Authentic.

Being authentic means that you know yourself in your needs. This important finding answers and breaking through ingrained patterns. What is important to you, what are your core values and how do you want to live? And do you dare to speak up? With these first two building blocks, the foundation has created for a magnificent structure.

Become Successful.
Success because of your passion and who you are. Isn’t that awesome? It often turns out that success is pursued as a goal itself. Make a career, earn money, be successful and at the same time be the perfect boyfriend, girlfriend, colleague, or partner. Hard work usually pays off until certain limits. If you can be authentic and follow your passion, there is a good chance that success will increase without having to work harder for it.

Create Structure.

Structure is the fourth and final building block. This ensures that you remain successful based on your own needs and enthusiasm. You learn to recognize pitfalls and 'old' behavior or survival strategies. With this structure you can continue to develop and grow. 

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